Went to a $8 open bar + Ninjasonik concert in South Williamsburg on Friday night. Travis started a mosh pit in front of the stage. Couple that with a malfunctioning AC, temperature in the 90's and you get the idea. For one night, I was a swamp beast.
All in all, these were not the best ways to prep for a huge music festival.

Travis and his roomies were planning to barbecue on his roof around noon and head to the Village Voice Siren Music Festival together. When I called them at 5PM they had just woken up. As with many things I do in the city, I went alone.
The crowds were not too bad. I've seen much were at the Hohaiyan festival in Taiwan. I went in time to see Helio Sequence, who's a better live act than I'd expected, especially for a two-piece band.

Then Broken Social Scene took the stage. Highlights:
-I was at the pisser when they played Fire Eye'd Boy. Tremendously mistimed.
-Stephen Malkmus' performance was scheduled for the same hour at another stage. Kevin Drew was pissed off too.
-They didn't play Superconnected, Swimmer, Almost Crime or Lover's Spit, which were the songs I looked forward to the most... does this count as a highlight? I guess I'm not entitled to complaints since it was a free concert.
-Some random girl in the audience went onstage and sang Feist's part in 7/4 (Shoreline) because those she was (as usual) absent from the tour lineup. The girl did a dece rendition, though she sounded way nervous.
-Kevin Drew hearts Obama, of course.
-Someone rocked a little too hard and had to be ambulanced away.
